  1. Bless the Lord

From the recording You Are Lord

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Bless the Lord at all time.  With your lips, always sing praise.  With your soul, glory in God.  Let the poor hear and be glad.  O Bless the Lord at all time.  With your lips, always sing praise.  With your soul, glory in God.  Let the poor hear and be glad.
Pray to the Lord.  He will answer and will save you from all your fear.  Look to Him and be wise, and your face will show your faith.
Bless the Lord at all time.  With your lips, always sing praise.  With your soul, glory in God.  Let the poor hear and be glad.  O Bless the Lord at all time.  With your lips, always sing praise. With your soul, glory in God.  Let the poor hear and be glad.
Taste and see the goodness of God.  Bless the one who hopes in the Lord.  Fear the Lord you Holy.  He will provide you all that you need.
Bless the Lord at all time.  With your lips, always sing praise.  With your soul, glory in God.  Let the poor hear and be glad.  O Bless the Lord at all time.  With your lips, always sing praise.  With your soul, glory in God.  Let the poor hear and be glad.
Bless the Lord at all time.  With your lips, always sing praise.  With your soul, glory in God.  Let the poor hear and be glad.  O Bless the Lord at all time.  With your lips, always sing praise.  With your soul, glory in God.  Let the poor hear and be glad.
The righteous cry out to the Lord, and He frees the from all their pain.  The Lord is close to the lowly and saves the humble of heart.
Bless the Lord at all time.  With your lips, always sing praise. With your soul, glory in God.  Let the poor hear and be glad.  O Bless The Lord at all time.  With your lips, always sing praise.  With your soul, glory in God.  Let the poor hear and be glad.